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E-470 is a 47 mile (76 km) toll road traversing the eastern portion of the Denver-Aurora Metropolitan Area in Colorado and serves as the main corridor to the Denver International, the fifth busiest airport in the US.


In 2009, the E-470 Public Authority implemented one of the first non-stop, all-electronic toll collection systems in the country. In turn, toll booths and support buildings for cash tolls became surplus property.


In 2019, AJW+A was engaged to evaluate 8 excess parcels for potential commercial development and bring the opportunity to market via a competitive Request for Proposals process. 


After extensive analysis of the economic opportunity and with the support of the Board of Directors, an RFP was issued in August 2019. From a number of comprehensive proposals received, the Authority has selected a private sector partner. Construction on four state-of-the-art service plazas will begin in 2021.


AJW+A's scope of work included financial analysis, RFP development, marketing the opportunity with email campaigns and a dedicated website, managing the pre-proposal conference and site visits, evaluating proposals, and negotiating the final ground lease agreements.

© 2023 by Andrew J. Warcaba & Associates, Inc.

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